Individual Dental Insurance is available to individuals and families that are not covered by group dental insurance. For people without dental insurance, cost often stands in the way of getting the care they need to maintain the health of their teeth and gums. Even for routine preventive care, a trip to the dentist’s office could mean a substantial amount of money out of your pocket.
A freedom-of-choice plan allows you to see any dentist you wish. However, this plan does impose 6- to 12-month waiting periods for some services. This is not the best plan for an individual who needs comprehensive coverage within the first 12 months. However, if dental coverage is desired for a long period of time, and there is no rush to receive the major benefits, this plan may work for you.
Vision Insurance
Vision Insurance covers routine eye care and may reduce your out-of-pocket costs for eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses. These plans will usually offer reduced or discount rates for Laser Corrective Eye Surgeries. Vision plans can offer plans that work with in network and out of network providers.
Hearing Insurance
Hearing Insurance is vital when your health plans do not cover this benefit. Hearing aids can be very expensive and so can repair and batteries for the unit. We have several companies that sell hearing insurance, and some provide a plan with a combination of hearing and vision plans together.
Richmond Insurance and Associates, LLC offers free, comparative quotes on Individual Dental, Vision and Hearing Insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate.
Want to see how much we can save you? Just request a quote to find out.